New arrival @ NuDoLu Voyage

NuDoLu Voyage Matriochka en hiver AD NuDoLu Voyage Bougies en hiver AD
2 new items @ NuDoLu Voyage :D
Russian dolls set and candle set (4 colors each). You can set the candle flame on/off by touching the wick.

This might be (mostlikely) the last release in 2011. Thank you all of you for the support for NuDoLu and NuDoLu Voyage this year! I feel really happy when I find you guys' blog posts (sorry I can't comment on all of it but I always enjoy your blogs!) with my items and that brings me lots of inspirations to my next creation!!

I wish you happy holidays and look forward to see you in 2012 <3


2011年もNuDoLuおよびNuDoLu Voyageを応援していただきまして有り難うございました!NuDoLuを取り上げた皆さんのブログ(全てにコメントする時間がなくて申し訳ないのですが、いつも読ませていただいてます♥)を見る度にとても嬉しく、それがまた次の制作への意欲となっています。


TP to NuDoLu Voyage

New @ TGGS

The Gallery Gift Shop dec/jan routine (Dec 15 - Jan 14) has started and here is new items from NuDoLu <3
Russian doll Christmas & New Year version : NuDoLu Voyage Mademoiselle Noel for TGGS AD
They will be nice as Christmas & New Year greetings for your friends:D NuDoLu Voyage Mademoiselle 2012 for TGGS AD
TGGSの新しいルーティーン(12/15~1/14)が始まり、NuDoLuもちょっと遅刻気味に新商品を設置しました☆ マトリューシュカちゃんのメリクリバージョンとあけおめバージョンです。年末年始のご挨拶代わりにプレゼントしても楽しいと思います。

TP to The Gallery Gift Shop

New for Christmas and winter

New items, LB and group gift to keep you warm :D

New items : Retro series with warm colors and romantic motifs<3
NuDoLu Tunique retro des roses AD NuDoLu Chapeau retro de fillette AD NuDoLu Gilet long retro AD
Merry happy group gift :  Green hat and red sweaterNuDoLu Christmas group gift AD
LB(group member only) : NuDoLu Chapeau du Noel rouge LB AD NuDoLu Pull du Noel vert LB AD
You can find them all @ NuDoLu main shop
Hope you like them and have a happy happy Christmas <3

New arrival @ TGGS

The new rotation of The Gallery Gift Shop ! (Nov 15 - Dec 14)
NuDoLu Voyage Galerie de Matriochka for TGGS AD
Russian doll & doll house with furnitures and 3 pictures for your room :D
NuDoLu Capuchon en laine antique noir et blanc for TGGS AD
Head muffler TGGS exclusive color <3


hiding place

I made a little change to the secret deck and put Autumn cafe and cookies from poche. Come relaxing and have some coffee if you have time <3 You can go up there by a teleporter in the main shop. 
お店の隠れ家にちょこっと手を入れ直してpocheさんの秋カフェセットを置いてみました。眺めが良くて自分が一番使っているという…w w wお気軽にお茶しにきて下さい♡
Hiding place

New NuDoLu and new group gift!

I was remodeling the main store since yesterday and it's done today (well.. for a moment). So I put a new group gift to celebrate the new store :D
LongT de Matriochka group gift november 2011 AD
I added 2nd floor and a secret deck so that you can relax at anytime<3 Hope you like the new shop!
New NuDoLu!
Hair : Burley
Shirt : pesca (NEW)
Pants : GATO (NEW)
Shoes : BOOM (Help Japan)  working
TP to NuDoLu main shop

New @ NuDoLu Voyage

New arrival @ NuDoLu Voyage!!
NuDoLu Voyage Mes jours parisiens AD
Russian doll , parfum bottle, candle, black lace mat and big hair ribbon set:D Also, I've put simple furnitures that I made for my shop so pls come check the store <3


TP to NuDoLu Voyage

Journal and style book

そのいち:久しぶりにpocheさんに行ったらお店が秋仕様になっていた♥ Poche restaurant
そのに:さっそくカレーをいただく。 Style book
Head muff, cardi and jeans : NuDoLu
poche :

New and LB!

☆New items :
NuDoLu Capuchon en laine antique AD
Vintage head muffler all 3 colors NuDoLu Gilet long vintage AD
Vintage long cardigan all 4 colors NuDoLu Jeans vintage AD
Vintage jeans all 5 colors

☆New LB (group members only) : NuDoLu Gilet long vintage Vert LB AD Vintage green cardigan NuDoLu Jeans vintage Laine LB AD
Vintage jeans with knit patches Hope you like them :)))

☆TP to NuDoLu main store


Hat & tops : NuDoLu
Hair : BP (group gift)
Necklace : CONCRETE FLOWERS (the seasons hunt)
Pants : pumpkin
Shoes : Duh (zombie popcorn hunt)
Picture by Gabrielle Swindlehurst @ TGGS

Girls' talking

一緒にZombie Popcorn Huntへ行ってまいりました。そしたら、やっぱり色々買ってしまった…。これぞハントの醍醐味っすかwww 久しぶりに遊んでもらって楽しかったです☆
Hanging out
On Neuilles :
Glasses :  CONCRETE FLOWERS *Zombie popcorn hunt
Shoes : khush *Zombie popcorn hunt
Necklace : CONCRETE FLOWERS *The Seasons Hunt
Bag : pesca
Pants : pumpkin
Tops & Knit cap : NuDoLu

Style book with pesca

pescaさんの服も小物もかわいいなー♥ Autumn color
Bag : pesca (new!)
Knit cap, Tops and Skirt : NuDoLu 

Randam styles

ma maison
My Matriochka museum :D 
Low shelf & stool : LISP (Collabor88) / Rocking chair : nordari (FLF) / Desk & Chair : cluttered flowey (FLF)
Muffler : DUBOO (The Seasons Hunt starts on Oct. 15th!!) The Seasons Hunt Autumn 2011 preview
House : L2 Studio / Pumpkins : Little Boxes / Bag : Duh
Glasses : glow studio / Vest : Ohmai / Sweater : so many styles / Earrings : PIDIDDLE (All from The Seasons Hunt)
Look for a pumpkin!!
That's what you should look for the hunt :D

New tops set!

I've just put new tops set can be worn separately! All 3 colors set :D
合わせて着ても別々に着ても使えるトップスセットをリリースしました!全3色セット。 NuDoLu Combinaison hivernale AD
Have a warm autumn<3
TP to NuDoLu main store

Autumn has come for TGGS!

My exclusive items for The Gallery Gift Shop : out on Oct. 15th for 1 month!
Autumn version of Russian dolls : Boy or Girl <3
NuDoLu Voyage Matriochka en automne Graçon for TGGS AD
NuDoLu Voyage Matriochka en automne Fillette for TGGS AD

New and Hunt info!

New arrival : Knit cap with fur and buttons (all 4 colors)
Available @ NuDoLu main store
NuDoLu Bonnet des boutons AD Bonnet des boutons MarronBonnet des boutons Rose
Bonnet des boutons GrisBonnet des boutons Bleu
The Seasons Hunt Autumn 2011 : starts this week-end!! (Oct. 15th - 29th) And this is the FINAL Seasons Hunt... Don't miss it and enjoy :D
そして、今回で最後となるThe Seasons Huntに今回も参加させていただきます!今週末からスタートですのでお見逃しなく〜。私自身ハンターとしても大好きなハントだっただけにとっても寂しい。NuDoLuのハント品とともにたくさんの素晴らしいお店のギフトをゲットして楽しんで下さい:D
NuDoLu The Seasons Hunt Autumn 2011 AD

Style book for Halloween

orange orange
Hair and hair accessory : BP (GPG)
Jacket : C'est la vie! (GPG)
Broach : C'est la vie!
Muff and necklace : NuDoLu (GPG)
Sweater : NuDoLu

Halloween LB / Group gift

Halloween limited group gift for group members and LB for non-members:D
Halloween orange long muffler : 2 versions included!
ハロウィーン限定のマフラーを作りました。オレンジのロングマフラーで、2バージョン入っています。ハロウィンっぽいのは色だけ・・・なのは気のせいです!www グループメンバーの方はお店で受け取って下さい。メンバー以外の方はLBでゲットして下さいね♬
NuDoLu Echarpe en laine Halloween orange AD

Come to get @ NuDoLu main store or NuDoLu Voyage!

F/W 2011 at NuDoLu

New release for F/W season 2011 :D

Long knit sweater with Russian doll buttons and heart lace on the back, with or without hem lace , all 3 colors : ニットのロングセーターで前にマトリューシュカのボタンと後ろにレースの♡つき。全3色です。
NuDoLu Pull des boutons AD Pull des boutons : button parts Pull des boutons : back lace
Knit tights with heart lace on the back, all 3 colors : 同じくニットのタイツで、後ろのふくらはぎのところにレースの♡がついています。全3色です。
NuDoLu Collants des coeurs AD

See you at the main store <3

:NuDoLu: group is set up!

Hello everyone!

I made :NuDoLu: group because my subscribe o-matic exceeded the free member limite. Thank you all for have subscribed to the subscribe group and I do hope you can join my new group:D

Here is the first group gift which you can get at NuDoLu main store or NuDoLu Voyage with your group tag activated.

この度、Subscribe o-maticの無料メンバーリミットを超えましたので(超えると思わなかった!!笑)新しくグループを作りました。登録して下さった皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!お手数をお掛けして大変申し訳ないのですが、新しいグループに加入して下さるととても嬉しいです。

グループ最初のギフトを作りましたので、グループタグをアクティブにして受け取って下さいませ。NuDoLu本店NuDoLu Voyageに置いています。

NuDoLu group gift Portrait de Matriochka AD

TGGS 3rd!

3rd routine of The Gallery Gift Shop has started :D
15 september - 14 october
My exclusive item is :
NuDoLu Chapeau de meduse bonbons for TGGS AD
Jellyfish caps : 3 sizes included (trans OK)
NuDoLu Voyage Panier de Matriochka for TGGS AD
Russian doll flower basket (trans OK) style 01
Hope you like my items as well as other wonderful items there!!