New arrival @ NuDoLu Voyage

NuDoLu Voyage Matriochka en hiver AD NuDoLu Voyage Bougies en hiver AD
2 new items @ NuDoLu Voyage :D
Russian dolls set and candle set (4 colors each). You can set the candle flame on/off by touching the wick.

This might be (mostlikely) the last release in 2011. Thank you all of you for the support for NuDoLu and NuDoLu Voyage this year! I feel really happy when I find you guys' blog posts (sorry I can't comment on all of it but I always enjoy your blogs!) with my items and that brings me lots of inspirations to my next creation!!

I wish you happy holidays and look forward to see you in 2012 <3


2011年もNuDoLuおよびNuDoLu Voyageを応援していただきまして有り難うございました!NuDoLuを取り上げた皆さんのブログ(全てにコメントする時間がなくて申し訳ないのですが、いつも読ませていただいてます♥)を見る度にとても嬉しく、それがまた次の制作への意欲となっています。


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