New arrival, LB and gift!

I have so many new arrivals today!!
New arrival :
1. Pull/Tube des oiseaux (all 3 colors)
Tops and tube tops set which you have many options to wear (only "mix" color has 1 tops layer).
NuDoLu Pull&Tube des oiseaux AD Color variations

2. Jupe longue des fleurs (all 2 colors)
Flower motif long skirt
NuDoLu Jupe longues des fleurs AD

Lucky board :
Pantalon  des boutons
Button motif pants
  NuDoLu Pantalon des boutons for LB AD

NuDoLu update gift : I've sent out yesterday this lace tights gift :D Hope you like them! NuDoLu Collants gothiques for update AD

TP to NuDoLu main shop


Hello everyone!
NuDoLu is gonna participate in Your Inner Bunny Hunt (YIBH) which is held from Aug 13th to Sep 16th! You have to find a carrot and buy at 1L :D You can find other stores and gifts here.
今回、Your Inner Bunny Hunt (YIBH)というハントに参加させていただくことになりました。期間は8/13〜9/16まで。ニンジンを探して1Lで購入して下さい☆ 詳しい情報はこちら
We invite you to our first hunt organized by **KoNeJiTaS VIP**.  Our 81 amazing stores have agreed to work with us to bring you high quality hunt gifts. You are looking for a $1L carrot hidden in their store, for more information please check out our official blog:
Please join our official group to get updated information about the hunt.

This is the Stores List:
1    Delirium Style
2    ::EBA::
3    * Dura*   
4    Essential Soul 
5    FILTHY 
6    KamreK Creations
7    Unique Megastore
8    MOJO  Skins
9    [mJ'Ds]
10    Mashooka Designs 
11    Vassnia
12    Roobix 
13     Xplosion
14    Warm Animations
15    KMADD Enterprise
16    U&R DOGS
17  Butterfly Effectz
18    .:ARI:.
19     >>> moloko <<< 
20    AlterEgo
21    22769 ~ casual couture
22    Diesel Works Poses & Animations 
23    2REAL
24    Kumaki Glasses Style
25    ( R E D ) M I N T
26    SugarsmacK   
27    Magnifique Poses   
28    CandyDoll  
29    Custom iNKZ  
30    Spirit Store
31    Sorry.Asia 
32    KristicA         
33     :::LiNe:::       
34    Bitch Tail 
35    20.FIVE
36    GIZZA                   
37    Razorblade Jacket 
38    :: OHARA ::
39    Alexohol Fashions     
41    .Pekka.
42    [Lauria]                
43    ::C'est la vie!::
44   [ILAYA]
45    Al Vulo!      
46    Simply Britnee
47    Les Petits Détails         
48    JeSyLiLO 
49    Props N poses
50    ~Pepper~
51    SEDesignz 
52    Thanatopsis
53    INAYA Skins   
54    [GLUE INK]             
55    AZOURY
56    MDL &  eseuve
58    SoliDea FoliEs
59    Nikita Fride      
60    [Nein!]
61    Chandelle Design   
62    Quintessência Store  
63    Moonshadow 
64    KoKo Hair and Clothing
65    AMD           
66    NuDoLu   
67    Holli Pocket  
68    Waffle!
69    JDDESIGN  
70    ArisAris 
71    Armony  
72    Iruene Natural Hair 
73    :)(: Pixelfashion
74    Indyra Originals
75   .::BeautyCode::. 
76   Style X  
77   Mu-Shi Doll  
78   ' Skintimate '
79   Secrets Hair
80   Opium
81 .: Fear Yourself :.

NuDoLu Tunique des fleurs blues for YIBH

Also, The Gallery Gift Shop (TGGS)'s 2nd routine starts from Aug 15th! Hope you like NuDoLu's new special item :D
The Gallery Gift Shop (TGGS)の第2シーズンも8/15より始まります。期間は前回と同じ1ヶ月。NuDoLuの新しい商品はこちらです。
NuDoLu Voyage Pot de Matriochka Lavande for TGGS AD

TGGS 1st round ends soon!

TGGS (The Gallery Gift Shop)'s 1st round ends Aug 14th toshift to the 2nd round:) Hurry up if you haven't been there yet :D
TGGS (The Gallery Gift Shop)の第1セッションが8月14日で終わり、15日から新しい商品に入れ替えられます。まだお越しでない方は終わってしまう前にぜひお越し下さい〜☆
TGGS 1st
Shirt : DIAPOP / Eyemakeup : Lucky #7 / Chair and clock : LISP / Birds : napolly *available in TGGS
TGGS 1st no2
Dress : c.A. / Sofa (texture change) : LITHIUM *available in TGGS