Bunny yard sale :D

flexagons of Bunny a Holic (also she is owner of mocha) kindly invited me to "ozimals Bunny Yard Sale" @ her sim Biosphere. I'm actually a bunny lover and have some (even many!) as pet so I put my babies (both live bunny and nest) to the yard sale! If you're already a bunny owner or interested in having some bunnies, it would be a good chance to see cuties <3
Bunny a HolicとmochaのオーナーであるflexagonsさんにBiosphere SIMでの"ozimals Bunny Yard Sale"にお誘いいただきました。実はバニー愛好家であり、ペットとして何匹(というかいっぱい…笑)飼っているので、この機会にうちの子ども達(生体と巣)を出させていただいてます!もし皆さんの中ですでにバニーオーナーである、またはこれから飼いたいなとお考えの方には楽しいイベントになると思います<3
yard sale @ Biosphere
Here is the LM @ Biosphere (29th April to 8th May)

Also, here is the bunny sales place @ NuDoLu Voyage
NuDoLu Voyage bunnies
*Plz don't forget to "take" the bunny/ nest that you bought because it's original sale!

New : Matriochka prend le bain

New item of Rissian doll! She takes a bath this time :D
It's put at first @ Culture Shock event then will be put at the shop.
I want to thank Pesca's Tsugu for the inspiration <333
まずCulture Shockに出して、その後多分お店に出すと思います〜。

Matriochka prend le bain AD

NuDoLu Culture Shock 2011 direct TP (*you can enter from May1st)

Culture Shock 2011

:NuDoLu: is gonna participate in "Culture Shock" event in May 2011 (May 1st - May 22nd) and put new items for the event.
:NuDoLu:は5/1〜5/22まで行われるCulture Shockイベントに参加し、イベント用の新作を置かせていただきます。

Event eclusive items (100% charity) :
イベント独占販売 (100%チャリティー):
Porte-monnaie des fleurs AD
Tunique de Sakura ADForget-me-not ADNuDoLu Barboteuse de dentelles antiques Plume ADNuDoLu Robe de dentelles antiques Plume AD

Other new items (will be put @ the shop after the event ends) :
その他新商品  (こちらはイベント終了後にショップへ設置予定です):
NuDoLu Tunique de fillette Bonbons All colors AD

Les trois soeurs de Matriochka AD

So many talented designers are participating and contributing 50 - 100% of their profit to charity for Médecins Sans Frontières.
たくさんの才能あるクリエーター達が参加し、収益の 50 - 100% を国境なき医師団に寄付させていただきます。

I'll put later the direct LM to my booth :D

Plz come and explore NuDoLu's new/ exclusive items!

Style book

Hair : kik (TFG) / Hair accessory : fore (gacha) / Pants : Allusions (free) / Shoes : deviant girls (Help Japan) / Dress : NuDoLu / Necklace : NuDoLu (subscribe gift)

Bunnies, rabbits, usagis...

bunnies waiting for new family
Due to a record-breaking babay boom at home ( lol! ), I decided to sell/ give away some of my ozimals bunnies. Price varies including free ones so pls check it at the sale place. I've been having the bunnies just for fun, so they are suitable for the people who want to have some pets because some of them don't have many gens left. There are also baby bunnies who was just born today! I'm gonna put more bunnies (both live bunnies and nests) eventually.

Ozimals bunny costs money feeding them but I hope you have a wondeful time in your SL life with cute pets who make you want to login everyday :D

Important : Please don't forget to take the bunny you bought because it's original sale!!

我が家の空前のベビーブームにより(笑)、うちのOzimals Bunnyたちを里子に出すことにしました。価格はバラバラ(フリーも含む)ですので現地でご確認下さい。ペットとして飼っていた子たちで繁殖回数も多く残っていないのでペットとして飼ってみたいという方に合っているかと思います。これからも時々生体や巣を置いていこうと思います。今日生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんも置きましたので可愛さを堪能して下さい^^

Ozimals Bunnyは餌代などお金がかかります。それでもきっとこのかわいい子たちが新しいオーナーさんのSLライフをより楽しいものにしてくれるといいな〜と思います!

ご注意!: オリジナル販売ですので、バニーを購入後はTakeするのを忘れないようにして下さい!

Bunnies sales place : NuDoLu Voyage roof

LB socks @ NuDoLu main shop!

Chaussettes du primtemps Fleur BL AD
Chassettes du printemps Fleur PK AD
New lucky board socks have just been UP! These are the socks I made with flower seris texture.
Hope you like them<3

LB is set @ NuDoLu main shop

LB @ NuDoLu Voyage

Lemon balm au bol de cafe au lait AD

I've been at home since yesterday because I caught a cold... so I made herb plants in cafe au lait bowl hoping feeling better making something healthy:P
So here is a new LB item! One is for you and the other one is for your friend who might being in bed like me:D
ひとつは自分用、もうひとつはお友達用にお見舞いやプレゼントにしていただけます :D

LB @ NuDoLu Voyage (at the entrance)

New! flower series : Tunic and dress

Robe de fillette Fleur AD
Tunique de Fillette Fleur AD
Spring has come! I made flower seris of tunic and dress.
You can wear in summer as well<3 Each one includes 2 versions of skirt or bottoms.

Available @ Mainstore

:NuDoLu: Update group

Subscribe-omatic gift
I finally put a subscribe omatic @ NuDoLu and NuDoLu Voyage.
I know I'm so slow...^^;; But I can from now on send my shop's update infos, gifts and so on to all the subscribers. You can get a welcome gift when you click the subscribe kiosk. Thank you and have a nice day<3
今さらなんですが…怠け者のヌイーユは本日やっとSubscribe OmaticをNuDoLu本店とNuDoLu Voyageに設置いたしました。もっと早くやっておけよって感じですが、これからは会員の皆様に(この場合は会員なのか購読者なのか?)お店のお知らせやギフトを送付させていただきます。加入して下さった方に心ばかりのおみやを用意しましたのでもらって下さいませ。←Subscribe kioskをクリックして加入したらギフトがもらえます。

New : La peau douce Pantalon

New @ Nudolu no2 >>> La peau douce Pantalon (柔らかい肌パンツバージョン)
*Long & short length pants set*
La peau douce Pantalon all colors AD
Very spring-ish items. Hope you like them!!
Available @ NuDoLu mainstore & Mobile shop

new : la peau douce 3 colors

New arrival @ NuDoLu >>> La peau douce (柔らかい肌)
La peau douce all colors AD
Available @ NuDoLu mainstore & Mobile shop


me and my fish
Help Japan >>> Picture : aju / Clover : GOONIE / Pants & Russian doll : NuDoLu
Pacific Fund Raiser >>> Tops : petit oiseau
Project Fur Japan >>> Goldfish bowl (rez and wear) : A.D.D Andel
Mannequin : what's next *pose fair gift / Hair : seeking for beauty hair *KDC mall LB

Help Japan second season

Help Japan 2nd up!
Foulard de marin JP peche ADFoulard de marin JP ciel AD
Robe de fillette Ciel AD
Pantalon marine ADPantalon marine short AD

Help Japan in SL :

Thank you gift from NuDoLu

La couleur du coeur AD
Thank you for your donations! Free gift for Help Japan in SL
Yesterday another earthquake hit Japan... it is really a sad news. All I can do now is doing my best to support Japan's reconstruction.
And sorry for not putting any gift for my shop's charity campaign... Instead I hope you can come to grab this gift.
Thank you for your continuing support !! 
チャリティーへ参加して下さった皆さんへ感謝の印としてHelp Japanイベント会場にギフトを置かせていただきました。
Help Japan in SL :

for Help Japan in SL 2nd season

The 2nd season of Help Japan in SL is starting from 10th April so NuDoLu is gonna put new charity items : sailor-ish scarf with lace. I put some lace on it to add girly element. I want to thank all the people who came to the event. Thanks to you, NuDoLu can be a part of this donation acts. I hope to see you all in the 2nd season too! 

Help Japan in SLイベントのセカンドシーズン(4/10~)が決定したとのことで、NuDoLuからも新しいチャリティー商品を出させていただくことにしました。水兵さん風のスカーフです。レースをつけて女の子らしさを出してみました。Help Japan in SLにはたくさんの方に来ていただいて、皆さんのお陰でNuDoLuも寄付の一端を担えること本当にありがたいな〜と思っています。セカンドシーズンもよろしくお願い致します!

Foulard de marin JP peche AD
Foulard de marin JP ciel AD

These items are up after 10th April @ Help Japan in SL!!

Thank you soooo much!!

merci merci!!!
Today, I bought 2 Linden Bears (3,000L each) thanks to your donations for my charity items @ main store! The total donation amount was 5,100L so I added 900L from other items' sales to reach 6,000L. I put the bears @ the store (you can check their price in their item name) . Thank you soooooooooooooo much for your donations!! I really appreciate your good will.

So I finished my charity item campaign @ main store but I'm gonna continue my activities for the reconstruction in Japan in both SL and RL. For now, the 2nd season of Help Japan in SL is gonna start soon so I'll put more new charity items!!

お店に出していたチャリティー商品ですが、合計で5,100L分のご購入をいただきました!いただいた寄付金と他商品の売上げで3,000LのLinden Bearを2体購入しました。ご協力本当にありがとうございました!!ベアたちはメインショップに展示しましたので、よかったら見に来て下さい☆ベアの商品名から値段を確認できます。

3月をもちましてチャリティー商品の展示は終了しましたが、今後も個人的にSL, RL問わず寄付など自分の出来る限りの活動していきたいと思っています。 Help Japan in SLのセカンドシーズンも決定し、新しいチャリティー商品を制作中ですのでそちらもチェックしていただけると嬉しいです^O^/

The bears are sitting @ NuDoLu main store