Pull en hiver + new LB items!

New winter sweaters and ponchos which match NuDoLu's previous release : Chapeau en hiver!

Winter sweater includes 2 versions : with & without lace so men can wear without lace version for example.

NuDoLu Pull en hiver poncho AD

NuDoLu Pull en hiver moko AD

LB : Gold poncho with lace and without lace
LB Pull en hiver moko poncho Or A

LB Pull en hiver moko poncho Or B

Hope to see you all @ NuDoLu

Happy holidays!!
Neuilles Neuman

Stylebook in winter

Stylebook winter 
with a cute huddie dress from pesca!

New arrival for Winter season!

Welcome to NuDoLu winter collection!!

NuDoLu chapeau preview

Winter items are on sale @ NuDoLu : 2 types of tights set and 4 colors hat collection!!

NuDoLu Chapeau en hiver AD

Collants de Matriochka Noel AD

NuDoLu Collants de leopard AD

Available @ NuDoLu main shop and Nanden Kanden Market

I put also new LB item which is special color of winter hat!!!

Chapeau en hiver Or LB AD

LB location :NuDoLu main shop and NuDoLu voyage (2nd floor)

And don't forget to grab Xmas gift (previously blogged) @ the store!!

Holiday Season!!

Awwwww it's been so long since I logged in SL the last time because I've had an internet trouble in RL for like 2 months...!! Well Neuilles is finally back with this gift for you:) I made a new Russian doll version for 2011 season : 3 sized dolls for REZ and 1 doll to put on your head<3

RLでお引っ越ししたヌイーユは2ヶ月間SLに入れませんでした…(涙)やっとこさNuDoLu制作復活です〜。お詫びといっては何ですが、ちょうどクリスマスシーズンだしギフト置きましたのでよかったらもらいに来て下さいね。 NuDoLuで数バージョン作ったマトリューシュカの新バージョンです!3サイズのREZ用と頭にのせるちっちゃいのが入ってます。

Petite Matriochka Xmas AD

TP to NuDoLu main store

New arrival between summer and fall

Made new tunic & tops with marine motif so that you can wear this summer/fall season.
3 colors variations.

Robe de marine AD

Style book with Matriochka

style book de Matriochka
Hair : Analog dog /Pants : (left) mocha, (right) milk motion / 
Socks : Mother Goose / Shoes : Fabulously Dead
Tops & Bag : NuDoLu

New arrival : Tank-top and denim pants!

I'd been working on skirt script & texture and finally I gotta make the ones I like :)) I love these 4-colors tops and made also my first denim pants <3 Hope you like them!!

ここのところ、スカルプトとテクスチャの制作で四苦八苦しておりましたが(レベル低い?)やっとこさ自分で納得できる作品が出来ました〜。 いやーよかったよかった。ついでにNuDoLu初のデニムパンツも作ってしまった。楽しかった。宜しければお店に見に来て下さい♬

Debardeur de Matriochka AD

Jean de NuDoLu AD

Another new @ NuDoLu voyage

4 patterned Gamaguchi big bag for your trip and 1 prim plants with Russian dolls!

The reason why I travel AD

Plantes de Matriochkas AD

思わず旅に出たくなるような(?)がま口タイプのバッグをNuDoLu voyageからリリースしました!また、マトリューシュカシリーズでファンタジックな植物(のようなもの)も作りましたので、ぜひお店に見に来て下さい♬

Available @ NuDoLu voyage

Free gift for Kumamoto Japan

The reason why I travel Kumamoto AD

I put a free gamaguchi big bag for Kumamoto Japan SIM! I couldn't participate in the SIM's 3th anniversary because of my busy RL but I wanted to make something for that... and here you are :)) Hope you like it as well as Kumamoto Japan<3


Available @ NuDoLu voyage

NuDoLu voyage!

Matriochkas a la maison AD

I made a new 1 prim curtain with Russian dolls for NuDoLu voyagee <3 For prim limited home and shops! Come to the shop to see what it looks like. 


Available @ NuDoLu voyage

New short summer lace tops arrived!

Rose patterned short tops released... there are 3 colors : white, red and mint. Hope you like them!

Ma rose AD

Available @ main shop

New Lucky Board items

LB items renewed in NuDoLu main shop<3

no1 : Short lace tops LB color
I'm gonna soon release short lace tops series and this one is the LB version^^

no2 : 2 colors leggings
I made 2 pairs of leggings with previous LB shirt meterial.


New arrival!! La soie joyeuse

2 new dresses with silk and round quilting skirt. There are fresh green and romantique pink colors.
Hope you enjoy a wonderful summer and fashion<3


New!! La dentelle antique

A white antique lace dress released!!

Hello! I made a summer dress for lace lovers (including me^o^). Hope you like it<3

available @ main shop
@nanden kanden market 

NEW!! La barboteuse blanche & creme

Added new colors! I should have put these sooner but my RL was killing me recently... sorry but hope you like new colors as well<33

style book : summer at night

Hair : eha
Head accessory : Natural
Necklace : glow studio
Dress : NuDoLu

*mini piano*

I found a really nice and cute mini piano in KIRARADO. So I put one in NuDoLu main shop<3 I love Satie's piano music so have fun playing it while you shop or wait for LB!


Style book

Hair : BOON
Hat & romper : NuDoLu

New arrival : La barboteuse

La barboteuse means romper! So I just wanted to make a cool and cute romper for summer. I really enjoyed making them so I might make more and more<3

Aavailable @ NuDoLu main store

New LBs

New lucky boards @ NuDoLu

lots of NEWs!!

I released lots of new clothing today!! Take a look and tell me what you think<3

The first two are made after french movies "A bout de souffle" and "L'Amour à vingt ans". These outfits aren't in the movies because they are my OWN IMAGE! hehe!

Then the last three dresses are made by a sweat textile with different frills. I love a mixture of simple textile with luxury decolations so that's what I think of mixture clothing:))


All avalable @ NuDoLu mainstore

STYLE BOOK - Preparing for a summer

Dress : NuDoLu
Hair : Dakerside *free
Necklace : tomoto *group gift

NuDoLu voyage again

I added some LPs and LP jackets to "Souvenirs de voyages" shelf and made another new items called "Ma musique préférée"!! There are French POP version and Rock and POP version. I kinda love these shelves because I always want to be close to music<3


  Available at NuDoLu voyage

For your souvenirs shelf...

Have you ever thought of displaying all your souvenirs from your SL experience to one place? I have! So I made a shelf so that you can put all of your picture frames, little dolls, cute animals (!), etc. This is made by only 2 prims so it won't be heavy for your room<3


 Available @ NuDoLu voyage

Style Book Avril

Hair : Zero Style
Scarf : Mr. Poet
Pants : Sensual Mistery
Shirt : NuDoLu

You can be a bird! NEW ARRIVAL je suis un oiseau

I made new tops and pants with my favorite feather<3 There are 4 colors of tops and pants sold separately so you can play with these colors by wearing ramdomly! Hope you like them and feel a little romantic/ fantastic. There are 2 versions of pants (long ans short)!


Available at all NuDoLu shop (except NuDoLu voyage)

NuDoLu voyage open!

The owner of KUMAMOTO Japan kindly let us use the land that we used for a contest before! So I decided to make a different shop from ordinary NuDoLu shop, which is "NuDoLu voyage". The concept is voyage = travel : it can be a travel to foreign country or can be a time travel... I hope to make as many poducts as possible to make you happy:D

So here is some of the items I have already put in the shop!
Hope you drop to this shop and look around what we have:))
There will be a cafe and dance hall in the SIM in near future!!!

NEW! Les 3 robes de couleurs

2 colors added to the cherry blossom dress! Now there are 3 colors and each color contains a hat, 2 versions of dress and a tatoo!!! Pls come to the main shop or Nanden Kanden market to get them:))


Left to right:
Le Temps de Cerisiers (pink) / La Sérénade (blue) / La Poupée française (flower print)