flexagons of Bunny a Holic (also she is owner of mocha) kindly invited me to "ozimals Bunny Yard Sale" @ her sim Biosphere. I'm actually a bunny lover and have some (even many!) as pet so I put my babies (both live bunny and nest) to the yard sale! If you're already a bunny owner or interested in having some bunnies, it would be a good chance to see cuties <3
Bunny a HolicとmochaのオーナーであるflexagonsさんにBiosphere SIMでの"ozimals Bunny Yard Sale"にお誘いいただきました。実はバニー愛好家であり、ペットとして何匹(というかいっぱい…笑)飼っているので、この機会にうちの子ども達(生体と巣)を出させていただいてます!もし皆さんの中ですでにバニーオーナーである、またはこれから飼いたいなとお考えの方には楽しいイベントになると思います<3
Here is the LM @ Biosphere (29th April to 8th May)
Also, here is the bunny sales place @ NuDoLu Voyage
*Plz don't forget to "take" the bunny/ nest that you bought because it's original sale!
5 hours ago